What is the Rice purity test and how do you play

What is the Rice purity test and how do you play?

The Rice Purity Test is a self-assessment survey that initially began as a tradition at Rice University to gauge the innocence or experience of its students. It consists of 100 questions that cover a wide range of topics, from romance and law-breaking activities to social and academic behaviors. The questions are designed to assess the participant’s level of ‘purity’ based on their experiences.

Originally intended as a bonding experience for first-year college students, the test has gained widespread popularity online as a way for people to compare their life experiences with others. It’s important to note that the Rice Purity Test is meant to be taken in a spirit of fun and self-reflection rather than a severe assessment of one’s character or life choices.

History and Evolution

The Rice Purity Test is believed to have originated in the 1920s as a survey for Rice University’s female students. It was a 100-question list meant to gauge how ‘pure’ a student was, with a higher score indicating a higher level of purity. Over the decades, the test has evolved, reflecting changes in societal norms and behaviors and broadening its questions to be more inclusive and diverse in the range of experiences it covers.

The Test Itself

The questionnaire consists of 100 questions, each requiring a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer from the participant. These questions cover a wide range of activities, including but not limited to:

  • Romantic and sexual experiences
  • Engagement in illegal activities
  • Participation in various forms of evil
  • Use of alcohol and drugs
  • Experiences with law enforcement

The score is calculated based on the number of ‘No’ responses, with each ‘No’ contributing to a point towards the participant’s purity. Thus, a score of 100 would suggest complete purity, having not engaged in any listed activities, while a lower score indicates a broader range of experiences.

Playing the Test

Engaging with the Rice Purity Test is straightforward. Participants typically go through the list, answering each question truthfully with a ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ Upon completion, the scores are tallied, and participants can compare their results with friends or within online communities.

While the Rice Purity Test is often taken lightly by friends or peers as entertainment, it can also serve more profound purposes. It can prompt self-reflection about one’s experiences and choices, foster discussions about societal norms and individual differences, and, in its original context, help college freshmen bond over shared or divergent experiences.


How Can I Play the Rice Purity Test?

Playing the Rice Purity Test is straightforward and involves the following steps:

  1. Find the Test Online: The Rice Purity Test is available on various websites. A quick “Rice Purity Test” search should lead to an online quiz version.
  2. Understand the Format: The test consists of 100 statements about different experiences. These can range from innocent activities, like holding hands, to more adventurous ones, such as skipping school or engaging in certain adult behaviors.
  3. Take the Test: Proceed through the list, checking off any statements that apply to you. Being honest with your responses is essential for the most accurate score.
  4. Calculate Your Score: Once you’ve reviewed all the questions, your score is calculated based on the number of items you did not check. The score is typically presented on a scale from 0 to 100, where a higher score indicates a higher level of ‘purity.’ In other words, the fewer experiences you’ve had from the list, the higher your purity score.
  5. Interpret Your Score: After receiving your score, you can compare it to the general guidelines provided by the test to see where you stand. Scores are often interpreted in a lighthearted tone with no definitive meaning. It’s all about personal insight and, potentially, sharing and discussing your experiences with friends in a fun and open way.
  6. Reflect on the Experience: The primary goal of the Rice Purity Test is to encourage self-reflection and foster discussions about life experiences. It can serve as an icebreaker or a way better to know oneself and others in a non-judgmental environment.

Remember, the Rice Purity Test does not measure one’s worth or morality. It’s a fun and informal way to reflect on your experiences and see how they compare with those of others. Whether you share your score or keep it private, the key is approaching the test with an open mind and a sense of humor.

Criticisms and Considerations

Despite its popularity, the Rice Purity Test is not without criticism. Some argue that it perpetuates a judgmental perspective on personal and sexual experiences, potentially stigmatizing those with lower scores. Others point out that the test’s origins and questions can reflect outdated or narrow viewpoints, not fully inclusive of diverse identities and experiences.

Moreover, the test’s focus on specific experiences can inadvertently suggest a normative path through adolescence and young adulthood, overlooking the vast diversity of life paths and choices individuals make for various reasons, including cultural, religious, or personal preferences.


The Rice Purity Test is a fascinating artifact of college culture and societal attitudes towards adolescence and young adult experiences. While it can be a fun and engaging activity for self-reflection or group bonding, it’s essential to approach the test with a critical mind, recognizing its limitations and the breadth of human experiences it may not fully encapsulate.

In summary, while the Rice Purity Test offers an intriguing window into the rites of passage and societal norms surrounding young adulthood, it is but one lens through which to view the complex tapestry of human experience. As with any self-assessment tool, the context, intent, and limitations should be carefully considered, ensuring that it serves as a source of reflection and discussion rather than judgment.


What’s the highest score?

 100, which means very innocent.

Can it change how I act? 

It’s just for fun, but it might make you think about your choices.

Who should take it? 

It’s best for older teens and adults.

How often should I take it?

 There’s no rule, but some retake it to see if their score changes.

Where can I find it? 

It’s available on many websites online.


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