Rice Purity Test Questions

Rice Purity Test Questions: How Well Do You Know Yourself?

In today’s fast-paced world, self-discovery has become more crucial than ever. The Rice Purity Test stands out as a unique tool among the myriad ways to learn about oneself. But what exactly is this test, and how can it help you understand yourself better? Let’s dive into the details.

How It Works

Comprising 100 questions, the test scores are based on the number of experiences you haven’t had. A lower score indicates a broader range of experiences, while a higher score suggests fewer experiences.

What Does the Test Cover?

The Rice Purity Test delves into several key areas:

  • Social Interactions: Questions might include experiences related to dating, friendships, and social outings.
  • Rule-Breaking Behaviors: This includes interactions with the law, cheating, and other forms of rule-breaking.
  • Sexual Experiences: These questions cover a range of sexual activities, from kissing to more intimate encounters.
  • Substance Use: Queries about the use of alcohol, drugs, and other substances are also included.


Interpreting Your Score

What High Scores Mean

A higher score indicates fewer experiences, which could mean various things, from cautiousness to personal preferences in lifestyle choices.

What Lower Scores Indicate

Conversely, a lower score reflects a broader range of experiences, suggesting a more adventurous or open approach to life’s opportunities.

Benefits of Taking the Test

  • Self-Reflection: It encourages introspection, helping you understand your boundaries and comfort zones.
  • Conversation Starter: Sharing scores can lead to exciting discussions among friends, fostering deeper connections.

Sample Rice Purity Test Questions

Here are some sample questions that could be found on the test, reflecting its diverse content. Remember, the goal of these questions is to prompt self-reflection and understanding, not to judge or quantify one’s worth or “purity.”

  1. Have you ever held hands romantically?
  2. Have you ever been on a date?
  3. Have you ever kissed someone?
  4. Have you ever danced without leaving room for Jesus?
  5. Have you ever been in a relationship?
  6. Have you ever traveled alone to a different city?
  7. Have you ever skipped school?
  8. Have you ever watched a movie or TV show that was R-rated?
  9. Have you ever played a drinking game?
  10. Have you ever been drunk?
  11. Have you ever experimented with drugs?
  12. Have you ever had a romantic encounter with someone you just met within 24 hours?
  13. Have you ever shoplifted?
  14. Have you ever been arrested?
  15. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
  16. Have you ever played a game involving stripping?
  17. Have you ever been in a physically intimate relationship?
  18. Have you ever driven a car without a valid driver’s license?
  19. Have you ever cheated on a test or exam?
  20. Have you ever lied to your parents about where you were going?

These questions are designed to cover a broad spectrum of experiences, from the innocent and every day to those that might be considered more adventurous or risky. The Rice Purity Test is a personal inventory of experiences that prompts participants to reflect on their actions and decisions throughout their lives.



The Rice Purity Test is more than just an online quiz; it prompts introspection and conversation. It reflects the complexity of human experiences and the myriad ways we navigate our lives. While it should not be taken as a definitive measure of one’s character or experiences, it can be a starting point for deeper self-exploration and understanding. As we continue on our journeys of self-discovery, tools like the Rice Purity Test remind us of the importance of reflecting on our experiences and paths.


Can my Rice Purity Test score change over time?

Yes, as you accumulate new experiences, your score can change. The test can be a snapshot of a particular moment in your life.

Is the Rice Purity Test only for college students?

No, while it originated at Rice University, the test is now popular among a wider audience and can be taken by anyone interested in self-reflection.

How should I use my Rice Purity Test results?

Use your results as a tool for self-reflection and understanding, not as a definitive judgment of your character or life choices.

Can the Rice Purity Test improve self-awareness?

The test can increase self-awareness and encourage personal growth by prompting you to reflect on your experiences.

Is there a “right” or “wrong” way to score on the Rice Purity Test?

No, there is no right or wrong score. The test is subjective and reflects individual life experiences and choices.


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